KT Rocks Blog

Natural vs. Lab Gemstones
More and more often we are seeing lab created gemstones in fine jewelry stores. Those amazing prices on sapphires, emerald and rubies? Most likely if you read the fine print those...
Natural vs. Lab Gemstones
More and more often we are seeing lab created gemstones in fine jewelry stores. Those amazing prices on sapphires, emerald and rubies? Most likely if you read the fine print those...

What is My Ring Size?
Birthstone rings. Engagement rings. Promise rings. Statement rings. Stackable rings. Key rings. Okay, that last one you probably wouldn’t wrap around your finger, but for the rest of these you...
What is My Ring Size?
Birthstone rings. Engagement rings. Promise rings. Statement rings. Stackable rings. Key rings. Okay, that last one you probably wouldn’t wrap around your finger, but for the rest of these you...

Peridot: Out of this World
Growing up I felt like I got jipped in the birthstone department. My mom had emerald for May, my dad had sapphire for September and my brother had ruby for...
Peridot: Out of this World
Growing up I felt like I got jipped in the birthstone department. My mom had emerald for May, my dad had sapphire for September and my brother had ruby for...

Appetite for Apatite
If only it were that easy to wear a beautiful blue piece of jewelry and watch the pounds drop away...
Appetite for Apatite
If only it were that easy to wear a beautiful blue piece of jewelry and watch the pounds drop away...

All About Ruby
Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend (according to DeBeers), but rubies are the most precious of gems. Known as the King of Gems and the reference for value in...
All About Ruby
Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend (according to DeBeers), but rubies are the most precious of gems. Known as the King of Gems and the reference for value in...